School Quotes and Bids


To receive school pricing you may use the web, call or fax.
  • On our website, select the items on which you wish to receive quotes.
  • After all items have been selected, go to shopping cart. Proceed to check out. Click on Submit As School Quote.
  • Fill out required school information. Click on Submit Quote.
  • You will receive school pricing on the items you selected typically within a few hours, but no more than two business days.
Call (800) 528-3430 or Email
  • You will receive school pricing at that time or receive a return phone call as soon as possible.
Fax (800) 528-3470
  • Fax a list of the items you are requesting. (Include sizes or any other pertinent information)
  • Provide contact information. You will promptly receive quotes on the items you listed.



Bids are formal documents that are distributed by your school's purchasing department.

If you are familiar with our instruments and would like to have them and other products for your school program, you may have your purchasing agent request our brands on bids.

If you have questions concerning our instruments, you may:

  • Request Samples (Excluding Basses)
  • Email our representatives for specifications at
  • View our products at various Music Conferences throughout the year